Advance Structural Material and Multiscale Modelling (ASMMM-2023)

26 Jun 2023   -   30 Jun 2023
Mechanical Engineering
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Composites became more and more to a significant topic for innovative engineering solutions. At this point of time, they are the best alternative for steel and comparable metals in terms of stiffness, mechanical properties and weight saving. In general, composites are made out of fibres, which are embedded in a complex polymer matrix. The simulation and modelling of composite structure can be realized in several ways. The necessary explanation of the mechanics of composite structure in accordance with the physical reality is also very much important. The finite element method is widely used for the complex boundary value problems encountered in advanced composite structure. In addition, the complicated geometries and variations of material properties can also be handled using FEM ease. Due to these advantages, FEM has emerged as a versatile and powerful tool in computational engineering. Due to the exponential development of computing power, the process of optimizing structures has rapidly evolved in last decades from the experience and knowledge of engineers to automatic tools based on more or less classical mathematical algorithms and techniques. These advancements have enabled the possibility of efficiently treat complicated problems where the mechanical intuition is very limited, and this may reduce the cost of long periods of design through trial and error. By the end of this program, participants will have a comprehensive understanding of processing, modelling and analysis of composites including other functional materials