Breaking New Ground in Sustainable Foods: Advanced Techniques for Analysing Next-Generation Plant, Animal, and Marine-based Foods

08 Jan 2024   -   12 Jan 2024
Food Process Engineering
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The world's population is expected to reach 9.7 billion by 2050, putting a strain on our planet's resources. One way to meet this challenge is to develop more sustainable food production systems. Exploring and learning more about the latest advances in analytical techniques for assessing the sustainability of next-generation plant, animal, and marine-based foods is, therefore, need of the hour. 

Our goal is to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the latest techniques for analyzing sustainable foods and to foster collaboration and discussion among participants from academia, industry, and government agencies. We hope that this workshop will inspire new ideas and innovations for sustainable food production and contribute to the development of a more sustainable and equitable food system. Participants will also have access to cutting-edge research tools and resources to aid their own research and development efforts. The workshop is expected to attract a diverse group of participants, including researchers, students, policymakers, and industry leaders, all with a shared interest in advancing the field of sustainable food production.